Waste Management

We are leading the nation in waste management

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Tea Tree Gully 'Touch a Truck'
30 Apr 2024

Tea Tree Gully 'Touch a Truck'

Now here’s an event that’s a truck load of fun! Last week Michelle Lensink MLC and I stopped by the City of Tea Tree Gully's ‘Touch a Truck’ event put …
Touring BioBag World
05 Apr 2024

Touring BioBag World

BioBag World Australia, based in Adelaide's western suburbs, melts down a bio-plastic material to create compostable produce bags, caddy liners and bin liners to help divert organic waste from landfill. I …
Let's ban how-to-vote cards
21 Feb 2024

Let's ban how-to-vote cards

Last parliamentary sitting week I was able to get my ban on election corflute posters passed (after years of trying!) Now I've turned my attention to how-to-vote cards. Handing these …
Corflute ban finally passed
07 Feb 2024

Corflute ban finally passed

Unsightly election posters lining the streets of South Australia are about to be a thing of the past with the Liberal Party’s legislation banning corflutes set to pass Parliament. I’ve …
Saying no to 'pay as you throw'
04 Nov 2023

Saying no to 'pay as you throw'

Cost of living is soaring across Australia right now. Interest rates are way up, electricity prices are out of control, and this week we found out that Labor was doing …
Let's ban the corflutes
13 Sep 2023

Let's ban the corflutes

Regular watchers of my socials might have picked up that I’m not a fan of corflute posters (especially ones with my face on them!). Since 2020 I’ve been pushing laws …
Meeting with innovators of plastic alternatives
20 Jun 2023

Meeting with innovators of plastic alternatives

I’ve been connecting with Alexis and Marion from Our Compostable Journey for a few years now. They jumped on board our single-use plastics ban and came out with alternative products …
Soft plastics recycling in South Australia
21 May 2023

Soft plastics recycling in South Australia

The dramatic stop to the recycling of soft plastics in Australia earlier this year shocked many of us. It was a huge blow to the efforts we go to in …
What single-use plastics should be banned next?
11 Feb 2023

What single-use plastics should be banned next?

WATCH: Have your say on the next round of single use plastics to be banned in SA! Visit YourSAy to let the government know what you think. We had huge momentum …
Notpla leading the way with plastic alternatives
19 Dec 2022

Notpla leading the way with plastic alternatives

Sustainable living can look like so many things. But did you ever think it would look like this? Notpla’s Ooho sachets are an innovative solution to single use plastic packaging. …