Results of Peter Malinauskas’ urgent pillow audit due now

Friday 31 March 2023
Results of Peter Malinauskas’ urgent pillow audit due now

An urgent audit of pillow supplies - labelled a “precious commodity” by frontline workers across the caving health system - is due following shocking reports of bedding shortages.

Just hours after Peter Malinauskas claimed the health system was flush with pillows and bedding last Thursday, Labor was forced to launch an urgent audit after it was revealed a 93-year-old man went 23 hours without a pillow.

Alarmingly, the incident was not isolated, and came after a father was forced to drive home at midnight to get a pillow for his sick son who was about to have surgery at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.

The teenager could only be supplied with towels to sleep on instead of a pillow.

Numerous other incidents have been reported through the media highlighting a chronic pillow and bedding shortage across the health system, something which the Opposition has raised on multiple occasions.

Opposition Spokeswoman for Government Accountability, Michelle Lensink, called on Peter Malinauskas to immediately release the audit results to South Australians.

“South Australians deserve to know how and why Peter Malinauskas is overseeing a health system that keeps unexplainably running out of pillows,” Ms Lensink said.

“Peter Malinauskas has had more than a week to take stock of this situation – in fact it’s been a month since the Opposition first raised this - now he needs to front up with some answers.

“South Australians need to be reassured and confident that if they end up in hospital during an emergency, they don’t need to take to a pre-packed bag full of pillows.

“We live in one of the best places in the world, so it is unfathomable that you could arrive at a hospital in our State and not get a pillow.”