Funding for ‘Greener Neighbourhoods’ doubled

Friday 22 May 2020
Funding for ‘Greener Neighbourhoods’ doubled


Funding available to help metropolitan Adelaide councils with projects to keep suburban streets green and cool has been doubled for this year as another economic stimulus measure implemented by the Marshall Liberal Government.

The second round of the Greener Neighbourhoods grants program will now be worth $1 million, up from $500,000.

Councils are able to apply for between $15,000 and $400,000 funding for individual projects, and may apply for funding for multiple projects.

Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs said the Greener Neighbourhoods funding has been increased for the 2020/21 round in response to COVID-19 and the economic impacts these have caused.

“The Greener Neighbourhoods program aims to boost greenery, cool temperatures, improve air and water quality, provide habitat for wildlife and connect people with nature,” said Minister Speirs.

“As part of a range of economic stimulus measures being implemented by the Marshall Liberal Government in response to the coronavirus pandemic, we have doubled the amount of grant funding that was scheduled to be released this year to $1 million.

“By increasing the amount of funding available, we are getting projects off the ground that otherwise wouldn’t happen and ensuring local councils are able to continue the important work of greening metropolitan Adelaide.

Minister Speirs said the best cities are those which contain thriving natural environments.

“Adelaide’s tree coverage is amongst the lowest of Australia’s capital cities at 27 per cent,” said Minister Speirs.

“Shade from trees can cool areas by two to three degrees in the day and four to five degrees at night. These grants will help metropolitan councils to increase greenery and make Adelaide a more liveable city.

“Urban greening also provides important benefits for physical and mental health and wellbeing, in particular at a challenging time such as now.”

Applications for the second round of Greener Neighbourhoods Grants open today and close on Friday 10 July.

Local councils applying for funding will need to provide a co-contribution of at least 50 per cent of the total value of the project.

For further information on the $2 million Greener Neighbourhood Grant Program, including guidelines, visit: