Nature-based tourism

The government is seeking to enhance our eco-sensitive tourism options to bring in more visitors and help enhance and protect our natural environment.

Latest News

Works start at newly created Nilpena Ediacara National Park
13 Sep 2021

Works start at newly created Nilpena Ediacara National Park

Construction is underway at South Australia’s newest national park, to create a spectacular new $3.3 million fossil experience in the northern Flinders Ranges.

Record visitor numbers for South Australia’s national parks
27 Jun 2021

Record visitor numbers for South Australia’s national parks

South Australia’s national parks are experiencing record levels of popularity as we head into school holidays next weekend.

Aldinga Washpool to become a protected area
19 Jun 2021

Aldinga Washpool to become a protected area

One of Adelaide’s last remaining coastal freshwater and estuarine lagoon systems will form part of a new conservation park at Aldinga with the Marshall Liberal Government stepping in to protect the area from potential housing development.

Cleland’s koala feeding experience returns for long weekend
05 Jun 2021

Cleland’s koala feeding experience returns for long weekend

Cleland Wildlife Park’s hugely popular koala feeding experience is set to return this June long weekend for the first time after they were put on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions.

South Australia to get Australia’s biggest national park
16 May 2021

South Australia to get Australia’s biggest national park

South Australia could soon be home to the largest national park in Australia, with the proposal to create the Munga-Thirri–Simpson Desert National Park.

Flinders Ranges one step closer to World Heritage status
02 May 2021

Flinders Ranges one step closer to World Heritage status

South Australia has taken a significant step in gaining World Heritage status for parts of the Flinders Ranges after the nomination was placed on Australia’s Tentative List for World Heritage.

Multi-million-dollar boost for Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges
03 Apr 2021

Multi-million-dollar boost for Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges

One of South Australia’s most iconic tourism destinations at Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges will undergo a $3 million transformation and take on new management to improve the visitor experience, increase patronage and in turn create local jobs for the region.

Stage two of Southern Flinders Precinct takes shape
11 Mar 2021

Stage two of Southern Flinders Precinct takes shape

Stage two of the mountain biking trail development at WIllowie in Mount Remarkable National Park is set to get under way with Trailscapes, an Adelaide based trail construction company, announced as the successful contractor.

$1.6 million infrastructure upgrades underway on Kangaroo Island
18 Feb 2021

$1.6 million infrastructure upgrades underway on Kangaroo Island

The $1.6 million transformation of Antechamber Bay camping facilities, in Lashmar Conservation Park on Kangaroo Island is underway with the installation of a suspension bridge linking the north and south sides of the campground.

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail agreement reached
09 Feb 2021

Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail agreement reached

An eco-tourism project along the Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail which will deliver positive economic and environmental outcomes will go ahead after the Australian Walking Company and local environmental groups reached an agreement and settled the matter in the Supreme Court.