Malinauskas doesn’t make the grade six months in

Sunday 25 September 2022
Malinauskas doesn’t make the grade six months in

The Opposition has released a six-month report card for the Labor Government and it isn’t pretty reading for Peter Malinauskas, with their lacklustre start marred by record hospital ramping, broken promises, huge time and cost blowouts to major projects and arrogance.

Since elected, Labor’s failed South Australians in:

  • Health - FAIL: Peter Malinauskas is failing on his key election commitment to “fix ramping” with ambulance ramping in South Australia under his leadership the worst it’s ever been.
  • Infrastructure - FAIL: Major infrastructure projects like the North-South Corridor and the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital have been delayed with the cost blowouts forecast to be in the billions.
  • Cost of living – FAIL: No broad cost of living relief has been offered up, with everyday South Australians left feeling the pinch.
  • Education – FAIL: Failure to deliver key commitment to offer three-year-old preschool to all South Australian children from 2026, with no funding allocated towards the initiative.
  • Regions – FAIL: Regional South Australians have been ignored, with crucial agency PIRSA losing almost $16 million in funding and huge cuts to funding for regional roads.
  • Environment – FAIL: Almost $70 million worth of cuts to practical environmental initiatives just days after Peter Malinauskas declared a ‘climate emergency’ in SA.
  • Accountability – FAIL: Accepted $125,000 from the infamous CFMEU and when called out on it, failed to donate the money to a domestic violence charity.
  • Attention to detailFAIL: Weak Ministers such as Nat Cook and Nick Champion have continually embarrassed themselves and the Government with a lack of knowledge and understanding of their portfolios, poor media performances and stumbling performances in Parliament.

“Labor won the election off the back of some lofty promises, but South Australians would be rightfully disappointed with what they’ve seen so far,” said Leader of the Opposition David Speirs.

“Peter Malinauskas’ key promise was to fix ramping and not only is he failing to do that – it’s actually now worse than it’s ever been.

“Inexplicably he’s delayed critical infrastructure projects, failed to deliver broad cost of living relief, gutted funding for the environment and our regions and allowed tyrant John Sekta and his CFMEU union thugs to take over the South Australian branch.

“The only winners so far appear to be Labor mates who have been handpicked for plum tax-payer funded gigs.

“Peter Malinauskas is being shown up as someone that said whatever it took to win an election but hasn’t followed through.

“He is more interested in photo opportunities than delivering real results and South Australians expect and deserve better.”