Hundreds of millions of dollars in savings will start flowing to South Australian families, households and businesses, with cheaper water bills under the Marshall Liberal Government starting tomorrow.
The average household will save approximately $200 each year with the average business receiving savings of around $1,350.
In fact, some families and businesses will save significantly more – for example a household in Flinders Park with high water usage of 493 kilolitres per year and a home valued at $670,000 will save $428 next financial year.
A business with high water use such as Bickford’s Group at Salisbury will save more than $30,000 a year.
Premier Steven Marshall said lower water bills will deliver a significant cost of living reduction for South Australians.
“We are putting hundreds of dollars a year back in the pockets of hardworking families and delivering thousands of dollars in savings for local businesses,” said Premier Marshall.
“This will be a welcome relief for household and business budgets and provide much-needed economic stimulus in the wake of COVID-19 and, in many cases, will have the potential to create jobs.
“After enduring years of water bill hikes under Labor, South Australians finally have a government that delivers cost-of-living relief.”
Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs said nearly 40,000 South Australians have used SA Water’s simple online estimator to discover how much they’re likely to save on their water bills from July 1.
“We are delighted that so many hardworking families and businesses are logging onto the SA Water website to estimate their water bill savings,” said Minister Speirs.
“It’s a straight-forward process that takes only a few minutes, but will provide important information as households and businesses prepare their budgets for the new financial year.
“By reducing costs for South Australian families, households and businesses, we help them thrive and support local jobs.
“The former government deliberately inflated the value of SA Water’s assets to drive bigger revenues through bigger water bills which meant for too long South Australians were pouring hard-earned money down the drain every single time they turned on the tap.”
To discover how much they could save, South Australians are encouraged to use the simple savings estimator on the SA Water website