Leaked SA Museum documents reveal true intentions

Wednesday 08 May 2024
Leaked SA Museum documents reveal true intentions

The Opposition has been fighting to save the South Australian Museum every day since widespread cuts were announced by the Malinauskas Labor Government in February.

Today, I stood with my Shadow Minister for Arts and Festivals John Gardner MP to reveal leaked documents that show despite Peter Malinauskas’ denials, the Labor Government had planned a total overhaul of the SA Museum. The new curatorial approach clearly shows that cherished galleries such as the mammals, Polar collection, the Egyptian room and more were set to axed.

Peter Malinauskas must put a stop to these cuts so that South Australian families and children can be reassured they won’t be losing access to some of these galleries that they love so much.

Sign our petition here: https://forms.office.com/r/UQEKE1ZupP